Sunday 20 May 2012

Lapsi - Ascension Day

The feast of the Ascension of Our Lord (forty days after Easter), is known as Lapsi in Malta.  In olden days, families had their first swim and children played at swings on this day.

Sometimes parents prepared a homemade swing at home in their yard or garden tied to a tree or even attached a swing to the front door of their houses.

Just as the Lord went up into heaven, this tradition made our ancestors remember their journey towards heaven as they swung high up in the sky towards the place prepared for us by Him.


  1. It is a very nice holiday, especially for children :)

    Wiktoria Kowalska

  2. I will play at swings on this day, too.

    Szymon Niewrzoł

  3. on what date or day is lapsi celebrated please ?
