Monday 19 March 2012

Qagħaq tal-Appostli or Appostles' Bread Ring

“Qagħaq tal-Appostli” or Appostles Bread Ring is a delicious type of bread which is prepared and sold during Lent. In most villages and towns, this bread is sold on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. This traditional Maltese bread is a circular loaf of bread which is very soft inside. The bread is decorated with roasted almonds and sesame seeds on the top. The roasted almonds remind us of Jesus nails on the Cross. This  bread  is mainly sold near the main churches of towns and villages especially during the time that religious functions and activities are being held. The tradition of these “qagħaq tal-Appostli” goes back hundreds of years and is still very popular nowadays.

Martina Pace

The Appostles’ Bread Ring is a bread of Lent. I can eat it with butter and with cheese. I like it very much. In Lent we eat this bread. During the last supper Jesus’ gave the Appostles this kind of bread to eat. This bread is prepared especially for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

Shaisen Muscat

We buy the Appostles’ bread ring on Good Friday. Bread has a special significance in our life. The nuts represent the nails of crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ used a similar loaf during His last Supper with his Appostles.
Shania Azzopardi

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